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Teddy Bear Deal


Let us introduce you to our giant teddy bear  full of cuddly goodness. Well over an exceptional 5 feet tall, this oversized plush buddy has been crafted from ultra-soft, high-quality fabric that makes a hug feel like a warm embrace. So cute, so sweet, and so huggable with its adorable face and cuddly, plush body, our giant teddy bear is  absolutely perfect for gifting, decorating one’s home, or simply snuggling up on a cozy night. Whether one wants to brighten a room or to create one of those memorable gifts for someone they truly love, this giant teddy bear is sure to capture the heart and put smiles on all faces.

Teddy Bear Deal includes:

  • 5 Feet Teddy Bear
  • Bunch of Balloons
  • Flower & Chocolate Bouquet
  • Customized  Cake
  • Greeting Card

Product might be slightly different from the picture.

If any product are not available alternate product will be added.

We can also customized all items according to your requirement.

Same day delivery in Lahore & Islamabad and for other cities 2 to 3 working days are required.

You can also see other social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram.



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Let us introduce you to our giant teddy bear  full of cuddly goodness. Well over an exceptional 5 feet tall, this oversized plush buddy has been crafted from ultra-soft, high-quality fabric that makes a hug feel like a warm embrace. So cute, so sweet, and so huggable with its adorable face and cuddly, plush body, our giant teddy bear is  absolutely perfect for gifting, decorating one’s home, or simply snuggling up on a cozy night. Whether one wants to brighten a room or to create one of those memorable gifts for someone they truly love, this giant teddy bear is sure to capture the heart and put smiles on all faces.

Teddy Bear Deal includes:

  • 5 Feet Teddy Bear
  • Bunch of Balloons
  • Flower & Chocolate Bouquet
  • Customized  Cake
  • Greeting Card

Product might be slightly different from the picture.

If any product are not available alternate product will be added.

We can also customized all items according to your requirement.

Same day delivery in Lahore & Islamabad and for other cities 2 to 3 working days are required.

You can also see other social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram.




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